Is a Box Blind Better Than a Ground Blind?

A hunting blind can be an incredibly useful tool and offers an opportunity to shelter from unsavory weather when hunting. Blinds are used in all sorts of situations. A hunting box blind can be erected on a field edge to overlook hundreds of yards of space, and a hunting ground blind can be nestled into a woody patch in a matter of minutes. However, if you want to set up a blind of your own, which one should you go with?

Box and ground blinds each have their advantages. Box blinds are usually elevated, allowing for a different view and certain advantages like extra shelter, and ground blinds have other types of advantages, especially in certain terrain.

When considering what to hunt in or what structure to add to your hunting plot, both a ground blind and box blind that’s elevated can add a nice option to switch up a hunting pattern. This can stave off deer acclimating too much to your movements or routine and test your skills by changing your hunting approach. Today we’re going to look at hunting blind pros and cons to help you choose the ideal model for your needs.


Box Blinds

box blinds

Box blinds are distinct from ground blinds in that they’re typically elevated in some way. Box blinds can be mounted between trees, on a free-standing platform, or on a mobile stand. You can construct them yourself or have a modular-type one made of wood, but usually plastic.

Box blinds are generally a little smaller than ground blinds, but this can vary depending on if you build your own and customize your dimensions. If you have a pre-fab model, a larger blind will be more expensive. It is not uncommon to see 5×5 or 6×6 box blinds on the market today.

These blinds are mounted either placed on the ground or secured to a permanent elevated stand. Some options advertise easy deconstruction and movement, but this will still be, at the least, a day-long affair.

If you’re in a box blind, you’ll shoot from an elevated position. This makes your close shots safer because of the downward angle. Plus you’re out of the deer’s line of sight, and you have access to some great views to track game movements from farther distances.

inside of box blind

Box blinds are also the most comfortable hunting option out there. You can buy these blinds insulated, and many of them come with carpet floors. Once you get a comfy chair, you can really sit in this blind all day long without having to put up with harsh winds and low temperatures. Some hunters even put heaters in their box blinds during extremely cold hunts.

Some disadvantages to hunting in a box blind come from the price, the downward angle causing some constriction to your kill zone, and a higher risk of injury from a fall. Box blinds are also a more permanent kind of stand that can not be moved easily.

Box Blind Pros

  • Safer downward shot angle
  • Better views of game movement and often times more windows than a ground blind
  • Added scent control of the insulation and natural construction of your box blind
  • You sit above and out of a deer’s line of sight
  • Protected from the elements
  • The most comfortable hunting option available

Box Blind Cons

  • Climbing up and down can increase the risk of injury from a fall
  • Steeper shot angles can limit the size of kills zones close to you
  • Box blinds can get expensive quickly
  • Difficult to move quickly, quietly, and without some sort of equipment


Ground Blinds

ground blinds

Ground blinds are probably one of the first blinds someone decides to purchase or make themselves. A little bit of plywood can go a long way for these. Ground blinds were most likely what hunters used before modern hunting tactics, even if it was just a few branches propped up.

Ground blinds are a quick and easy way to conceal yourself from your prey and to shelter from the elements. The pop-up style blinds are often made of thinner material but are super easy to pack in and out in case you want to switch up your hunting spots often. The heavier options offer more protection against the weather but are a little harder to move.

Picking your location and view often takes more time than a box blind. Ground blinds are often backed up to woods or a thicket for extra concealment, limiting you often to only one or two views (90 degrees) compared to 360 degrees in a box blind.

You’re also shooting line-of-sight with your prey and absolutely need to follow the rule of knowing what’s behind your shot at all times. For example, if you’re shooting in a field off the highway, don’t face your blind or take shots toward the highway from a ground blind.

ground blind in woods

Ground Blind Pros

  • Pop-up options are easy to move
  • Better concealment within thickets or brush
  • It can be very accessible to those with limited mobility or conditions that don’t allow them to climb
  • Line-of-sight shooting means a larger kill zone than from an elevated position
  • Much cheaper compared to a box blind

Ground Blind Cons

  • It may be harder to first notice game movements
  • Line-of-sight shots mean it’s imperative to know what’s behind your target at all times
  • Views may not be as expansive in breadth or distance when you’re at ground level
  • You’re at eye level with your prey, and your movements will be noticed more easily. Extra camouflage and minimizing rustling or movements will be even more important.
  • Scent covers or scent block may be more necessary in a ground blind.


Setting Up Your Blind

setting up a blind

Whichever blind you choose to hunt from, remember to set it up early, especially a more permanent blind. Deer notice small changes in the environment very easily and often take a week or more to acclimate to any changes and return to their normal behavior and movement patterns.

Remember when setting up your blind how wind tends to travel during the year. In a ground blind, scent and odor will travel level with the deer, and if the wind shifts unexpectedly, they’ll pick you up quicker than in a box blind. While both offer some degree of scent control compared to no blind, some odor will escape through a window, door crack, or vent.


Closing Thoughts

Box blinds and ground blinds both serve a purpose. One isn’t necessarily better than the other outright, but if you’re considering certain factors, you may choose one over the other. It’d behoove any strategic hunter to look into constructing both on their plot, if possible, just to give yourself options to test out.

Ground blinds can be much more spacious and easier to access for hunters that aren’t as able-bodied as they once were. Folks that don’t like heights will love them, and you’ll have plenty of space for a comfy chair–just don’t fall asleep as a buck walks by.

Box blinds are great for those still able to climb up a ladder, those that favor shooting lanes, or those closer to highways or populated areas. Shooting from a downward angle is both safer and more difficult. The caveat to narrowing your kill zone will be a higher incidence of missed shots and a lower chance of a good blood trail to follow. Keeping a sharp eye is key.

Shop for Box Blinds Online – CLICK HERE
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About The Author
Patrick Long Patrick Long

Patrick is a lifelong hunter who mainly chases whitetail, but also enjoys duck and turkey hunting. He has hunted game in various states throughout the U.S. and always enjoys hunting in new areas with new people. Patrick usually prefers his .308 while in the stand but is also an avid bow hunter. Patrick is the author of Omega Outdoors ( where he regularly publishes his hunting experiences, insights, and expertise. When he’s not in the great outdoors hunting, he’s writing as much as possible.